2005-08-16 21:29:20 UTC
I just installed the new version of Toyfactory. It was 1,333,014 bytes
big if that means anything and it says its 1.5b.
The 1.5b means that it works with Mozilla Suite gecko version 1.5b andbig if that means anything and it says its 1.5b.
I've got 2 problems with it.
The first one is when I clicked on Cancel to "perform a Local
"Toyfactory theme installation failed
Error code: 999"
Hmm, I'm not sure why you got that message but here's what it means:The first one is when I clicked on Cancel to "perform a Local
"Toyfactory theme installation failed
Error code: 999"
"The files were installed, but one or more components were in use.
Restart the computer and Communicator to complete the installation
process. On Windows NT, you may only need to restart Communicator as
long as you did not replace operating system files."
I tried it again, and got the same answer. I restarted Moz and tried
again, but still the same answer. This time, I tried the Global
"Toyfactory theme installation finished successfully."
Therefore it seems that I can't install TF into my profile. I'm using
Moz 1.7.11.
I just installed it locally on Moz 1.7.11 on WinXP without a problem. Itagain, but still the same answer. This time, I tried the Global
"Toyfactory theme installation finished successfully."
Therefore it seems that I can't install TF into my profile. I'm using
Moz 1.7.11.
seems like there's something about your installation that it doesn't like?
Second problem has to do with Multizilla. Multizilla adds a button to
the Navigation Toolbar called QPrefs. When I had Multi the
QPrefs button blended right in with Toyfactory. I used a Toyfactory of
toyfactory71.xpi and toyfactory15b.xpi. These were downloaded way back
around June and August 2004. See image Old-2.jpg. However, when I
upgraded Multi to, QPrefs doesn't blend in anymore. See image
New-1.jpg. All I get is a missed matched gray button. What happened? I
don't know if its a Multizilla thing or if its a Toyfactory problem.
I don't support Multizilla but it seems you've solved the problem onthe Navigation Toolbar called QPrefs. When I had Multi the
QPrefs button blended right in with Toyfactory. I used a Toyfactory of
toyfactory71.xpi and toyfactory15b.xpi. These were downloaded way back
around June and August 2004. See image Old-2.jpg. However, when I
upgraded Multi to, QPrefs doesn't blend in anymore. See image
New-1.jpg. All I get is a missed matched gray button. What happened? I
don't know if its a Multizilla thing or if its a Toyfactory problem.
your own. The thing that's a bit odd is that it seems that the QPrefs
image in Multizilla is now one that looks like a Mozillium button?
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